Spring Rituals with Queer Museum in The Austrian Museum of Folk Life and Folk Art in Vienna, 2023
Performance was made in collaboration with Alex Franz Zehetbauer @afranzz.
As the March equinox arrives, the Water Nymph awakens from her winter slumber, ready to explore the world and delight in its pleasures. However, she soon discovers that her once-pristine stream has been polluted by humans, leaving her feeling disheartened and frustrated.
Despite this, the Water Nymph finds solace and pleasure in creating her toys – delightful objects made from natural materials such as sea shells and twigs, combined with technological equipment found near her stream. Each toy is adorned with engraved emoji instructions, inviting you to indulge in the Water Nymph’s playful spirit and experience the magic.
So come and join us on this enchanting journey, where fantasy and reality blur and the playful and erotic intertwine.
Photos made in cooperation with Paweł Wyląg @pawelwylag.